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This is for a small city urban low income city in Cleveland, Ohio The ghetto or Hood This entire Ritual is a celestial book our history , linage , inherence , bloodlines and birthrights and power. This book will be large as 5 houses wide and tall very big. This heavenly book contains how to summon our ancestor the God almighty himself and infinity beyond. And the chosen ones which are two people. And everything in this ritual will be part of my and our history linage heritage and part of story legends myths God will help us and guide us and teach us how to build heaven on earth. God will give eternal youth. We are sons and daughters and descendants of higher and transcendent beings. They chose me to be the chosen one and over their own sons and family members who beyond special in an omnipotent manner. They want me to join Demons are not ugly creatures disgusting creatures. They are dazzling and magnificent and glorious creatures. In fact omnipotence the alpha and omega and God almighty himself and power itself and infinity beyond comes from place that we call hell and the underworld in fact these things are in fact lesser things and beings are servants. Light comes from darkness. Beyond omnipotence come from this place and the heavens and beyond the universe itself comes from such a place. Gods and God are like atoms to higher things and beings. The infernal empire and god's kingdom and empire came from such a place special humans that personally designed and created comes from such a place. Angelic beings too ones even beyond God and omnipotence and power itself and beyond they didn't even think such beings exist beyond their belief they thought they were a fairy tale. Beyond demons do have that monster dominated side of them. The devil controls god himself and our enimens and and great wars are against the nasty and old and vile creatures called the old ones. The devil and demons are responsible for the sinster and evil humans do. Glory even NOTHINGNESS itself comes and blank comes from such a place. Omnipotence is like filthy rags. The devil created a special humans to be close to him which like israelities beyond power itself at the very least. Building eternal and forever infinite expanding kingdoms and empires and queendoms and their armies were eternal supernatural armies we had supernatural powers and supernatural beings. Nothing we ask for can and will not be Denied. Having jewels and gold mountains and building civilizations like Atlantis , Egypt. The lord gives flavor . Holy and righteousness . Many will come in my name as the chosen one or messiah. Bulit ever expanding kingdoms like new Jerusalem had a king and queen and God almighty himself was their servants and its builder is god and these cities and kingdoms and empires are guarded by celestial beings impenetrable and Huge huge cities 9000 miles in height and wide and has 12 foundations each city is unique no two are alike cities maybe the cities of god and kingdoms and empires as well inside these domains planets and star systems and beyond not imagined are being built. All will under Lord Satan and Lord Luicfer Morningstar Even God almighty himself and supreme beings and the eternal source and his creations and beyond. Even beyond and what's beyond them will be under them. All lords and God and everything is under him cause he created it. Everything comes from his realm the heavens just all. They created these things. And in these kingdoms they libraries built like cities celestial magnificent in these libraries were unspeakable things what no being can grasp in their minds and had the true knowledge of what humans debate about every day proving human knowledge as fasle. Luicfer and satan servants can create just imagine what luicfer himself can create and his queen. A city a kingdom a guarded kingdom in ohio heavenly new Jerusalem whose builder is god almighty himself under the authority of lord satan or lord luicfer morningstar. A place of young kings etc... and descendants special ones and The Young King chosen one which is me. The world see every eye will see but not entered. In fact God almighty himself and jesus christ yahawah and yahawashi are creations and sons of the lord satan and luicfer morningstar or light bearer is lord satan brother. And this place and the people its inhabitants are eternal The truth is stranger than fiction This ritual will be used for satan and Lucifer to put them highest They will create thrones and beings and servants for those beings as well and more. And stories visions , legends,myths etc... actual real time images of these beings no being can see because of its magnificence But satan and Lucifer will create such beings to get this book done. And creating the abilities of satan and Lucifer to be to do such things which is a legend in itself. Africa planetary monarchy the true africa not the one today the true Egypt and other Other ethnics groups including Africans do belong here or no where the sun kills blacks too. Building celestial cities in space itself which is not on a planet. All the worlds civilizations were bulit by us Egypt rome greece africa isreal just all and they all are Egyptian. All will come from and stay in and will be EAST CLEVELAND OHIO. All civilizations are Egyptian in source of creativity comes out of their Human became god almighty himself which was already in his DNA but had awaken it. That's how get names like yahweh and yahawah bahasham yahawashi. Same goes for other reglions and mythologies that he created just from voice. The greek pantheon The Indian pantheon And many more. He created beyond omnipotence and omnipotence and power itself entering into a whole new sphere. This is the true Egypt not the world this world knows of. Egypt created Atlantis to bread Gods hence why it's called The God almighty kingdom land. Royalty is from here this is true royalty if you are an Egyptian then you are a planetary ruler and monarch but God said so. We own the universe. Style creativity and fashion music just all comes from here. Hip hop R&B blues just all. Egypt is infinite and beyond infinity and so on. The devil and demons were never evil and malevolent entities that would be the old ones. The 12 Olympians from greek mythology which is Egyptian are beyond omnipotence power itself beings. But each part of Egypt culture is equivalent to entering a new world every thing being unique no two are alike Black marriage and familes only allowed. All across the board magnificent and glorious creatures. Every ethnic group is Egyptian comes from us and their cultures and sexiness etc.. The term kingdom of God comes from Egypt, Not an earthly book Use this book and the resources in it to get your glory and power back We have to the work God and everything on this list Has the personality and characteristics as an African american and with sizzle and flavor. Great chain of being superpower wikia and my ritual will be the weakest on it. Always creating new things never stop creating And new wars to fight with Formidable -and-part-1/foreword-and-part-1 :Contributions/GODLOVER =ms-android-verizon&ei=9RXmXMLHBaOl_Qa2krWoCg&q=glorious+new+Jerusalem+stones&oq=glorious+new+Jerusalem+stones&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.3..33i22i29i30.15366.25486..26768...0.0..0.176.1030.0j7......0....1.........0i71j0i22i30j33i160.7AGzhIssYLc =supernatural+beauty+of+god&oq=supernatural+beauty+of+god&aqs=chrome..69i57j33l3.12544j0j7&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 =ms-android-verizon&biw=360&bih=660&ei=nrHlXK7DDaSOggeV_KuwAw&q=jesus+christ+supernatural+beauty+&oq=jesus+christ+supernatural+beauty+&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.3..33i299l2j33i160.6940.24356..24769...6.0..2.216.4638.0j32j1......0....1.......8..0i71j35i39j46i67i275j0j0i131j46i10j0i10j0i13j0i13i10j46i13j0i67j46i67j46i131i67j46j46i275j46i20i263j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j33i22i29i30.90R_sDbdl5M 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